Friday, April 19, 2013

Confessions of a Pack Rat!

It's just not fair! I'm a subconscious pack rat. At heart, I'm a minimalist; when cleaning, packing, dusting, or stubbing my toe on my "precious junk" I say to myself: "Why? Why have I kept this? Why do we have stuff, anyway? It doesn't make you happy. It doesn't make you a better person. It complicates your life. I'm going to throw away EVERYTHING I own." And, with the full knowledge that I am making the right choice, I pull out a trash bag and start dumping. And somewhere, in the recesses of my mind, I start hearing myself think things like: "Your best friend from 3rd grade gave you that gum wrapper as a token of friendship! You can't throw that away!" Or: "But what if, years later, I find I desperately need this insignificant object? And then I'll regret throwing it away! ... Even though the likelihood of anyone ever needing, say, a toothpick bridge, a statue of a gopher, or perhaps a hideous pink lampshade, is probably about one in fifty billion." The other day, I was actually in a conversation with someone when I learned they desperately needed a hideous pink lampshade. See? And all I had left was regret. Shoulda kept it!

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