"His Blood Upon The Rose"

I am a devout member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, by choice. I am not an official representative of that church, but I can tell you what I believe- you certainly don't have to agree! I have found that my religion has become a large part of who I am, and that it, in fact, has changed my life for the better. It can change your life too, if you want to change. It can help you overcome trials in life and pain. It will give you the peace you are looking for, and the opportunity to return to your family. It is hard to believe someone when they say they have found truth because so much of what we hear is a lie. It is natural to question what is sometimes taken for granted But some things will always be true to me, even when people fail me, even when all the world fails me, God has never failed me, and He never will.

I have learned that prayer is a true doctrine, and that God gives knowledge liberally to those who ask it of Him. Thus Faith is not blind, but active, purposeful, and trusting. God will hear and answer your prayers, if you sincerely trust Him- no matter your faith, nor how you pray, He will listen.

I have come to know for myself that there is a person who is Jesus Christ. He lived long ago, and performed an infinite atonement for the sins of the world, so all mankind who believe on His name can be saved. He walked a bitter, lonely road alone, so we would never have to be alone. Through this atonement, we have the power to change ourselves. We can overcome even the hardest things, and become like Him. He died and then rose again from the tomb, so we could overcome physical death and gain a perfect body. He lives today, resurrected and glorious, on the right hand of His Father. I will stand by Christ through death and beyond because of what He has meant to me in my life.

I have also learned that the Book of Mormon, a very interesting little book, is in actuality an ancient record. It is a very, very interesting little book. If you read it carefully, and pray to know if it is true, you will receive a witness that it is true. It will bring you closer to Christ than you ever have been. You will find peace. You will come to know that you, like all of us on this earth, are children of God, with the amazing potential to become like Him. You will learn that He isn't exactly the God our society usually thinks of- He is infinitely merciful, infinitely forgiving, and infinitely the same. You will come to know, through the power of the Holy Ghost that God has a purpose for you, that He loves you, and He wants you to know that.

Through the Book of Mormon, I've come to know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God, called to re-organize His church again on the earth. We take the sacrament weekly, are baptized, set apart to teach, and called to serve each other, just Christ commanded. Our goal: to follow the Savior in all things.

Mormons are often accused of being extremely judgmental. Certainly it can be said that there are those in any group of people that are very judgmental. Just because we have high standards for ourselves does not necessarily indicate that we are overly critical of others. Some Mormons are; we are all imperfect. But we are all trying to become more perfect, so please forgive us! Our doctrine is the doctrine of Christ, who loved all, helped the individual, ate with publicans and sinners, and cleansed the unclean. But His doctrine was "go, and sin no more". Because He loved them, He wanted them to be find true happiness which is found in righteousness and kindness. But He was not forceful.

I do know that if you care about any of this, and want to know for yourself, you can. Pray about it, read what scriptures you have, and if you ever feel like it, check out www.lds.org. They will send you lots of free stuff if you ask. :)
It's true, and you can know it, too!