Friday, January 3, 2014

Day Four: Dublin!

"One, two, three, four, five
Hunt the hare and turn her down the rocky road
And all the way to Dublin..."
September 15, Dublin
We started off today to go to church. On the way, we passed the oldest pub in Ireland! Didn't stop in. :) We went to an LDS 11:00 ward in Dublin, and that was an AMAZING experience. The people here are so kind to us. It was the primary program in their ward, which was the best EVER. The kids sang loudly, and it was so beautiful. As they sang the song, "I am a Child of God", it hit me so strongly that God loves and watches over all His children, no matter what race or nationality. I felt the spirit so strongly that moment. 
The ward was kind enough to serve us lunch, which we were all grateful for. Afterwards, we broke off into groups to explore Dublin. We saw the Yeats exhibit at the library, with his original manuscripts and handwritten letters.

Molly Malone

We found this beautiful old chapel that we thought was Saint Patrick's Cathedral. We took a great many pictures of it before checking the map and realizing it was NOT Saint Patrick's. Oh well, great pictures, anyway!

This old statue at the building looked a bit like King Lear, don't you think?

Finally we found Saint Patrick's, and what a beautiful place!

I saw some names drawn in a heart on a tree that made me smile. Dani and Paco, I hope you're happy!

 I had an EPIC photobomber. Perhaps he didn't mean to steal the picture, but he does, doesn't he? I never even SAW him, until I looked through my pictures a while later. Good sir, you should feel proud.

We saw Christ's Church, and then walked over the Ha'Penny bridge to Papa Johns in the Supermac's. We had a great time having a pizza eating contest, where we discovered our group leader could pack in the pizza faster than we could blink! The Irishman at the booth next to us found our antics quite amusing. It's hard to keep our loud American voices down in restaurants! We went exploring next, which was so fun. We went to the hostel again (dear old Jacob's Inn), where we had a grand Fanta chugging contest. Unfortunately, none of us realized that the Fanta was "exotic fruit" flavored, something they just don't have in the US, and... we'll just say, much of the drinks ended up on the floor of the room. Don't worry, we're excellent floor scrubbers. We had a rather confusing conversation with some girls from Germany about popcorn, before finally heading to our rooms and going to sleep.
A kind Dublin native posed for me on this lovely bench

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