Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Cape List Part I

Benedict Cumberbatch- SUCH an interesting guy. But he can definitely pull off a Cape. 

I don't know about his personal life, but Alan Rickman was most quickly added to the list after I saw Sense and Sensibility.

Bing is often criticized for being a very strict person. While I don't know any of the particulars, I think he should be applauded for being able to hold his standards in a world where everything was so rapidly changing. And plus, I mean, he's Bing!

Danny Kaye has always been one of my favorite actors, and he was really a wonderful person. Go look him up!

While Frankie is also criticized about his personal life, he always struck me as a good guy trying to keep his head above water in the craziness of Hollywood life. And how can you not love his voice?

Gregory Peck has probably played my favorite roles in all of movie history.

Harrison Ford. Period.

If you haven't seen the movie Amazing Grace, you really should. It is the most powerful, compelling film ever made, and Ioan Gruffudd does SUCH a good job in it.

Jimmy Stewart is the epitome of a true good-guy Hollywood actor. He did so much good with his life, and was just a sweet person. He has always been one of my heroes.

David Tennant: Scottish, Shakespearean, AND The Doctor... need I say more? He's probably my number one "Deserves the Cape" man.

For some reason, in my dreams Gary Cooper is always my best friend. We go horseback riding together all the time. By the way, I also weirdly enough work at Ricky Ricardo's nightclub in my dreams. I play lead trumpet in his band, and occasionally fill in as a flamenco dancer understudy.

Hugh Jackman is a new addition to the List, but definitely an amazing person.

My mother once told me she would pay to hear Humphrey Bogart read the telephone book. I, for one, completely agree with her.

I don't know much about Jonny Lee Miller (except that he was married to Angelina Jolie), and I'm not sure how good of a person he is, but he's good friends with Benedict Cumberbatch and he played Mr. Knightely in Emma, so he remains on the List. Plus, how can you not just immediately like this guy?

My friends never understood why Yul is on this list, but I think he's great. He probably has the greatest back story in acting history (second only to Tom Baker).
My sister finally mentioned to me that all these men have a similar nose. And it's suddenly occurring to me that maybe I've been overthinking this in years past, and I just need to look for a man with that nose!

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