Monday, May 27, 2013


Isn't it nice that God, apart from being all-knowing and perfect, is an artist, as well?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Keep Calm and Carry On The Name

I've been doing some more family history research, and on (a really great website, by the way) there is a link where you can easily trace back your family tree. I've been just seeing how far I can go back on each side of my family, and I was happy to find Scottish royalty on nearly every line. Unfortunately, my relation is quite far back, and since many of the people in my family were just borderline nobles, it's possible they "invented" some connections to the royal family. Still, take a look! It gives me a boost of self-confidence.
Here is Charlemagne. Most of the world probably is related to Charlemagne, but still, it's interesting to see just how you are connected to these people. And my Shakespeare-loving, part-Scottish heart goes all aflutter when I see names like these:
And by the way, in nearly all of my family lines I've found some connection to Ethelred "The Unready". Maybe that's where my procrastination gene comes from:
Also, I take special pride in my Bruce line:
So, originally I was just going to brag about how cool it is to find all these famous people in your family tree, but now that I've looked it all up, I've been pondering... it's really amazing how everyone is connected together. We're all brothers and sisters, children of God and literal descendants of the same people. We really all should get along, you know? Because our differences are so very slight. But, like so many siblings, we fight each other. 'Twas ever thus, since Cain. But could it be, perhaps, that learning to get along with our immediate siblings is the key to peace among nations?
I also wanted to mention how interesting it is that the fact that my ancestors have ties to royalty really means so little. I love them because they're my parents, not because they are somehow royal. Each name on this tree helped make me who I am. Just a little thought for the day.
On a completely different note, I have a professor who is convinced that the red hair gene is a royal trait because red hair is common in royalty from Ancient Egypt on down. All the gingers in that class (including me) were quite happy. But when it comes to me roots, as my best friend would say, "My roots are blonde!" ;)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Goin' Back to Me Roots

"Oh family descent, how great thy charm, thy sway-how excellent!"

Occasionally I find myself going back to me roots, and today I found myself thinking of a certain special woman in history that had a huge influence over my life- ma "Wee Granny". Wee Granny Murdoch was born in 1782 in Glencairn, Dumfries, Scotland. She immigrated to the U.S. after becoming a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon church), and made the huge effort to trek west in search of Zion, the land of promise, where dwell the pure in heart. She was very small in stature (hence the name "Wee Granny") and she died along the trail near Chimney Rock. Her last words, according to family legend, were "Tell John I died with my face towards Zion". John was my Great-Grandfather seven generations back. She never made it to Zion in body, but she certainly was counted among the pure in heart. Brian C. Shmidt wrote of her:
Why was it so important that her son John know that she was facing Zion at her death?  For me this sentence symbolizes so much. 
In her 74th year and frail condition Wee Granny probably knew the chances of surviving the journey to the Salt Lake Valley were slim.  But that earthly destination was not as important as her eternal goal.  She was facing Zion.  She was turned towards the Lord, Jesus Christ. 
She wanted her posterity to know that in spite of the difficulties of the journey she still believed. What really mattered was her faith in Jesus Christ.  She trusted in Him and in his will and in the wisdom of His timing. 
Williams Clayton penned a similar testimony in what became an anthem for many pioneer saints.  In the forth verse of Come, Come, Ye Saints they sang:
And should we die before our journey's through,
Happy day! all is well!
We then are free from toil and sorrow, too;
With the just we shall dwell!
But if our lives are spared again
To see the Saints their rest obtain,
Oh, how we'll make this chorus swell--
All is well!  All is well!
Not only is this story very powerful to me because of my faith, it reminds me that we must always be pushing forward to reach our dreams and our goals, even when we never see them realized. Sometimes the struggle and the journey is more important than the actual destination. She never set foot in the physical land Zion, but she made it to the truer Zion with every step of her weary feet. Wee Granny's determination and love of God continues to influence me, her Great Granddaughter of seven (or so) generations later. I dearly hope that when my time comes, after reaching my hardest, that I will have the faith to say I died with my face towards Zion.

Painting of Wee Granny by Clark Kelly Price

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Cape List Part I

Benedict Cumberbatch- SUCH an interesting guy. But he can definitely pull off a Cape. 

I don't know about his personal life, but Alan Rickman was most quickly added to the list after I saw Sense and Sensibility.

Bing is often criticized for being a very strict person. While I don't know any of the particulars, I think he should be applauded for being able to hold his standards in a world where everything was so rapidly changing. And plus, I mean, he's Bing!

Danny Kaye has always been one of my favorite actors, and he was really a wonderful person. Go look him up!

While Frankie is also criticized about his personal life, he always struck me as a good guy trying to keep his head above water in the craziness of Hollywood life. And how can you not love his voice?

Gregory Peck has probably played my favorite roles in all of movie history.

Harrison Ford. Period.

If you haven't seen the movie Amazing Grace, you really should. It is the most powerful, compelling film ever made, and Ioan Gruffudd does SUCH a good job in it.

Jimmy Stewart is the epitome of a true good-guy Hollywood actor. He did so much good with his life, and was just a sweet person. He has always been one of my heroes.

David Tennant: Scottish, Shakespearean, AND The Doctor... need I say more? He's probably my number one "Deserves the Cape" man.

For some reason, in my dreams Gary Cooper is always my best friend. We go horseback riding together all the time. By the way, I also weirdly enough work at Ricky Ricardo's nightclub in my dreams. I play lead trumpet in his band, and occasionally fill in as a flamenco dancer understudy.

Hugh Jackman is a new addition to the List, but definitely an amazing person.

My mother once told me she would pay to hear Humphrey Bogart read the telephone book. I, for one, completely agree with her.

I don't know much about Jonny Lee Miller (except that he was married to Angelina Jolie), and I'm not sure how good of a person he is, but he's good friends with Benedict Cumberbatch and he played Mr. Knightely in Emma, so he remains on the List. Plus, how can you not just immediately like this guy?

My friends never understood why Yul is on this list, but I think he's great. He probably has the greatest back story in acting history (second only to Tom Baker).
My sister finally mentioned to me that all these men have a similar nose. And it's suddenly occurring to me that maybe I've been overthinking this in years past, and I just need to look for a man with that nose!