Thursday, August 29, 2013

Aperture Priority

My new Sony NEX 3 camera came in the mail a few days ago, and my dad's been taking me out for some practice shoots. Aperture? Shutter? Manual mode? I know NOTHING about photography! And so we're doing a crash course. Because I'm going to the UK and Ireland to see castles, my dad took me out to practice taking pictures using the "castles" we had on hand:
Taking pictures from moving vehicles takes lots of practice!

My dogs are happy to serve as models. Worthing was chewing a bone when I asked him if I could take his picture. He dropped the bone, sat up, smiled, and waited for the shutter to click. Then he promptly lay down and began chewing again. That's a dog who knows how to pose! Next thing you know, he'll be handing out autographed glossy 8-by-10's of himself.

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